Das RAL Gütezeichen
Die Agentur AuPair SchnelleHilfe ist mit dem anerkannten RAL Gütezeichen durch die Gütegemeinschaft Au-pair e.V. zertifiziert.
Als zertifiziere Agentur habe ich mich zu hohen Qualitätsstandards bei der Au-pair-Vermittlung und bei der Betreuung der Au Pairs und der Gastfamilien verpflichtet.
Die Einhaltung dieser Qualitätsstandards wird regelmäßig von einer neutralen Prüfinstanz kontrolliert. Die Gütegemeinschaft garantiert den Gastfamilien und Au Pairs eine klar definierte Qualität und optimalen Schutz.
Mit dem RAL Gütezeichen gibt es den Vorteil, dass bei vielen Botschaften das elektronische Zusenden der geforderten Dokumente an die Botschaften ausreicht und der langwierige und oft teure postalische Weg entfällt.
Your duties as an au pair
Your possible tasks as an au pair:
Prepare breakfast or simple meals,
Playing with children, doing handicrafts, singing, going for a walk,
Accompany or pick up children from kindergarten / school
light housework such as vacuuming, tidying up,
Loading or unloading the dishwasher, washing, ironing
30 hours of work per week (including babysitting) spread over 5 or 6 days,
Be available for the host family.
Be reliable and binding.
A 14-day termination right
An extract of your rights as an au pair:
A private, furnished, lockable room
Playing with children, doing handicrafts, singing, going for a walk,
Accompany or pick up children from kindergarten / school
light housework such as vacuuming, tidying up,
Loading or unloading the dishwasher, washing, ironing
Your rights as an au pair
The host family must enable you to:
a separate, heated, lockable, furnished room with at least 8 square meters,
accident, health and liability insurance,
€ 280.00 pocket money transferred to your own bank account
regular meals together,
Language courses including transfer are supported with up to € 50.00 per month,
2 working days vacation for every full month,
One full day of rest per week and 4 free evenings per week
In the event of discrepancies, a notice of 14 days notice must be given.
My services for you
Find family
With the families that I mediate, I have multiple telephone calls and, if necessary, personal contact. It is my goal that all occurrences and of course also the human thing fits you best!
during your stay
I'll be there for you during your entire stay and help you with questions and problems.
Convey you
We also have several contacts in advance and I listen carefully to your dreams, wishes and goals for your stay here in Germany, so that I can find the best family for you.
Au Pair meeting
I organize regularly
Au Pair meeting.
Here you can get to know each other, exchange ideas or just have fun!
I will help you with your visa matters.
E.g. letter of application to the family, I'll give you an overview of the documents you need for your visa and I'll be there for them when you get your contract.
Opportunities after the au pair year
Many young people would like to stay in Germany after their au pair year. For studies, FSJ or for an apprenticeship.
I am happy to help you here!
Au Pair meeting
I try to organize regular au pair meetings at my home in Cologne.
Here you can get to know each other, exchange ideas, get to know me personally and simply spend a great day.
Get information as soon as the next meeting is due!
I look forward to you all!!!
Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.